Today I received my Professional Specialization Certificate in Collections Management from University of Victoria

Today I received my Professional Specialization Certificate in Collections Management from University of Victoria

School is a passion of mine. Out of the last 21 years, I have been enrolled in post-secondary institutes for 20 of them. I am currently working on a Diploma in Cultural Resource Management from the University of Victoria, Continuing Studies since 2017.

Co-vid 19 and my studio practice.

Co-vid 19 has been an interesting journey. Classes cancelled, life on hold. Some people found themselves with an abundance of time and some people found themselves without anytime as life was filled with more family and work requirements. I was in the later category. Much of this work was in the kiln, ready to bisque before March 2020, but I was unable to complete the final details and fire until mid-August. I am so grateful to finish this work in August and with schools opening up, look forward to finding new studio time.

Almost taught a course at Artsplace...

As we start the new year I am sad that the course I was going to teach at Artsplace, Canmore was cancelled. Although this opportunity didn’t happen for me, some really great things that I am very thankful for did.

Here is my list:

  1. I am now connected to Artsplace and I have been called to do a party course, try-it throwing drop in and a try-it hand-building 2 hours workshop. All amazing experiences.

  2. I have been signed up to teach a course in the spring. I am super-thankful for the second chance.

  3. I created videos for marketing the “Gaining Weight and Throwing Down” course and have been having a blast doing so, here is one: More can be found on my new Youtube channel! lol!

  4. Nicole Fougère, Programs Manager at Artsplace said very kind words about my on MountainFM. It was humbling to hear. I will attach the link here (start at the 3.33):

Uploaded by Ciara Jayne Ceramics on 2020-01-23.