Almost taught a course at Artsplace...

As we start the new year I am sad that the course I was going to teach at Artsplace, Canmore was cancelled. Although this opportunity didn’t happen for me, some really great things that I am very thankful for did.

Here is my list:

  1. I am now connected to Artsplace and I have been called to do a party course, try-it throwing drop in and a try-it hand-building 2 hours workshop. All amazing experiences.

  2. I have been signed up to teach a course in the spring. I am super-thankful for the second chance.

  3. I created videos for marketing the “Gaining Weight and Throwing Down” course and have been having a blast doing so, here is one: More can be found on my new Youtube channel! lol!

  4. Nicole Fougère, Programs Manager at Artsplace said very kind words about my on MountainFM. It was humbling to hear. I will attach the link here (start at the 3.33):

Uploaded by Ciara Jayne Ceramics on 2020-01-23.